how does bronte describe mr mason in chapter 20

In Chapter 20 of Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre," Mr. Mason is described as a middle-aged man who appears nervous and uneasy. Bronte writes that he has a sallow, indecisive face with a somewhat protruding chin. She also notes that his eyes are large and bloodshot, and his hair is graying. Mr. Mason's overall appearance suggests anxiety and a haunted look, as if he is burdened by some secret or inner turmoil.

how does bronte describe mr mason in chapter 20 when he is injured

In Chapter 20 of Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre," when Mr. Mason is injured, his appearance is described as ghastly and disfigured. Bronte portrays him as pale, with a face covered in blood, and his eyes bulging out with a look of horror. She highlights his trembling, feeble frame, and describes him as being in a state of shock and agony. This description accentuates the severity of his injuries and further adds to the atmosphere of suspense and mystery surrounding his presence in the narrative.