#2 You are on roller blades on top of a small hill. Your potential energy is equal to 1,000.0 joules. The last time you checked your mass was 60.0 kilograms. What is the height of the hill? (PE=mgh, with gravity 9.8m/s)

1 point
1.7 m
6,000 m
16.7 m
6.1 m

To find the height of the hill, we can rearrange the formula for potential energy (PE = mgh) to solve for h.

Potential energy (PE) = 1000.0 J
Mass (m) = 60.0 kg
Gravity (g) = 9.8 m/s^2

PE = mgh
1000 = 60 * 9.8 * h
1000 = 588h
h = 1000 / 588
h ≈ 1.7 m

Therefore, the height of the hill is approximately 1.7 meters.