What do each of these sections of the color will represent? Hue tone value spectrum

The color wheel can be divided into different sections, each representing a specific characteristic of color:

1. Hue: Hue refers to the purest form of a color. It represents the specific wavelength of light that a color corresponds to. In simple terms, hue is what we often refer to as the "color" itself, like red, blue, or yellow.

2. Tone: Tone refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. It is determined by adding white or black to a color, creating different shades and tints. Tone represents how light or dark a color appears.

3. Value: Value is similar to tone but is specifically focused on the relative brightness or darkness of a color. It deals with the overall lightness or darkness of a color, regardless of whether it is achieved by adding white or black. Value determines how light or dark a color is compared to others.

4. Spectrum: Spectrum refers to the band of colors that can be observed when light is dispersed. It represents the full range of colors that exist, starting from red and transitioning through orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The color spectrum is a continuous sequence of colors seen in a rainbow or a prism.