An artist uses proportion to ensure that


all parts of the image are the correct size
all parts of the image are the correct size - not selected, this is the correct answer

one area stands out more than another
one area stands out more than another - no response given

to create patterns across an image
to create patterns across an image - incorrect

to assist in the development of texture

Study of a Head of a Bearded Man
by Giovanni Girolamo Salvado

Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program


artist uses proportion to ensure that all parts of the image are the correct size. This means that the artist carefully measures and scales each element of the composition in relation to the others, creating a sense of harmony and balance. This helps to create a realistic representation of the subject or a desired aesthetic effect.


Proportion in art refers to the relative size and scale of different elements within a composition. It is used by artists to create a sense of balance and harmony in their artwork. When an artist uses proportion correctly, all parts of the image are the correct size in relation to each other. This means that objects, figures, and other elements in the artwork appear realistic and coherent.

By paying attention to proportion, an artist can ensure that nothing appears too large or too small in comparison to other elements. This helps to create a sense of naturalness and visual appeal in the artwork. Proportion is especially important when drawing or painting realistic subjects, as it can greatly impact the overall believability of the image.

For example, in a portrait, if the artist accurately renders the proportions of the face, the eyes, nose, and mouth will appear correctly sized and positioned in relation to each other. This will result in a more lifelike representation of the subject. Similarly, in a landscape painting, the artist may use proportion to ensure that trees, mountains, and other elements are correctly sized and positioned in relation to one another, creating a sense of depth and perspective.

Overall, proportion is a fundamental aspect of art that helps artists create visually balanced and harmonious compositions. It is a tool that allows artists to accurately represent the world around them or to create deliberate aesthetic effects.