Jim wants to fence a rectangular pen for his chickens. The length of the pen should be at 78 feet and the perimeter should be no more than 412 feet. Which system of inequalities represent the possible dimensions of the pen?(1 point)


Let's assume the width of the pen is "w" feet.

Since the length of the pen is given as 78 feet, the perimeter of the pen would be 2w + 2(78) = 2w + 156.

According to the question, the perimeter should be no more than 412 feet. Therefore, we can write the inequality as:

2w + 156 ≤ 412

Simplifying the inequality:

2w ≤ 412 - 156

2w ≤ 256

Dividing both sides by 2:

w ≤ 128

So, the width of the pen should be less than or equal to 128 feet.

Therefore, the system of inequalities representing the possible dimensions of the pen is:

w ≤ 128

l = 78