The graph below represents the total amount of chips in the bag in oz., y, over time, x, in minutes.


What would be reasonable outputs for the scenario domain?
A. (0,8)

B. (0, 3.5)

C. (0,7)

What is the end behavior of the graph? Response area 2) What would be a reasonable domain for this scenario? Response area 3) What would be reasonable outputs for the scenario domain? Response area

1) The end behavior of the graph would depend on the values of x and y. Without additional information on the specific time periods and chip consumption, it is difficult to determine the exact end behavior.

2) The reasonable domain for this scenario would depend on the context or constraints of the problem. Without more information, it is difficult to determine the specific range of x values that would be reasonable for the scenario.

3) The reasonable outputs for the scenario domain would depend on the specific context or constraints of the problem. Without additional information, it is difficult to determine the range of y values that would be reasonable for the scenario.