You discover a new species of reptile during your fieldwork in Puerto Maldonado, Peru. The organism seems to expose itself to sun when temperatures are cooler, then retreat to the shade in the middle of the day when temperatures are too warm. You conclude that the organism is(1 point)


Likely an ectotherm, and regulating its own body temperature via behavior
Likely an ectotherm, and regulating its own body temperature via behavior

Likely an ectotherm, and using its metabolism for thermogenesis
Likely an ectotherm, and using its metabolism for thermogenesis

Likely an endotherm, and using its metabolism for thermogenesis
Likely an endotherm, and using its metabolism for thermogenesis

Likely and endotherm, and regulating its own body temperature via behavior

Likely an ectotherm, and regulating its own body temperature via behavior