The root pens means weigh out or distribute. What does the word recompense mean?(1 point)


To sue a person for injury or harm
To sue a person for injury or harm

To contribute to a person's well-being
To contribute to a person's well-being

To give money to a person for a service or a loss

To give money to a person for a service or a loss

Read the source of the allusion.

The Titanic was a luxury steamship touted as indestructible, but in 1912, on its maiden voyage, it hit an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean and sank.

What is the meaning of the allusion in the sentence below?

The politicians staff decided it was time to get off the Titanic, so they left the campaign and started looking for other jobs.

(1 point)

A large project facing failure
A large project facing failure

A boring or monotonous project