What if two planets collide with each other, what would happen?

If two planets were to collide with each other, the consequences would be catastrophic. Here are some possible outcomes:

1. Destruction: The force of the collision would cause immense destruction to both planets. The gravitational pull would tear both planets apart, resulting in a catastrophic event similar to an explosion. The impact would release an incredible amount of energy, likely destroying both planets and potentially leaving behind debris scattered across space.

2. Formation of a New Planet: In some rare cases, the collision of two planets could potentially lead to the formation of a new planet. If the collision is not too violent, the merging of the two bodies might result in their gravitational forces binding them together. This process, known as accretion, can lead to the formation of a new, larger planet with a different composition.

3. Alteration of Orbits: If the collision is not head-on but rather a glancing blow, the gravitational interaction between the two planets could alter their orbits significantly. The combined gravitational pull could change the trajectory of both planets, leading to new orbital paths around the Sun or even ejecting one or both planets from their original solar system.

4. Terrestrial Effects: The collision itself would generate intense heat, shockwaves, and seismic activity. The impact would likely cause widespread volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and earthquakes on any nearby celestial bodies.

It is important to note that such collisions between planets are extremely rare events due to the vast distances between them in space. However, when they do occur, the consequences are severe and can reshape the entire system they belong to.