Kara downloaded 384 selfies from her cell phone to her laptop. These selfies took up 768 megabytes of space on her laptop. Each selfie took up the same amount of space. How many megabytes do 40 selfies take up?

A 2 MB2 MB
B 80 MB80 MB
C 120 MB120 MB
D 75 MB

To find out how many megabytes 40 selfies take up, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

384 selfies = 768 megabytes
40 selfies = x megabytes

Using cross-multiplication, we can solve for x:

384 * x = 40 * 768
x = (40 * 768) / 384
x = 80

Therefore, 40 selfies take up 80 megabytes.