Expand 38(−8−3y).(1 point) Responses −3y+98 negative 3 y plus Start Fraction 9 over 8 End Fraction −98y+3 negative Start Fraction 9 over 8 End Fraction y plus 3 −3y−98 negative 3 y minus Start Fraction 9 over 8 End Fraction −98y−3

To expand 38(−8−3y), you need to distribute the 38 to both terms inside the parentheses.

38 * -8 = -304

38 * -3y = -114y

So the expanded form is -304 - 114y.

The correct response is: −3y−98

Expand 3/8(−8−3y).(1 point) Responses −3y+9/8 negative 3 y plus Start Fraction 9 over 8 End Fraction −9/8y+3 negative Start Fraction 9 over 8 End Fraction y plus 3 −3y−9/8 negative 3 y minus Start Fraction 9 over 8 End Fraction −9/8y−3

To expand 3/8(−8−3y), you need to distribute the 3/8 to both terms inside the parentheses.

(3/8) * -8 = -24/8 = -3

(3/8) * -3y = -9/8y

So the expanded form is: -3 - 9/8y.

The correct response is: −3y−9/8.