Match the terms with their definitions.

1. Possessive adjective
2. Active voice
3. Adverbs
4. Parallel verbs
5. Subjunctive mood
6. Predicate adjective
7. Indicative mood
8. Passive voice

A. A verb form used to state a fact or ask a question
B. A verb form that indicates a wish, a suggestion, or an uncertain action
C. The consistent use of the same verb form or tense in a single sentence
D. A sentence in which the subject is acted upon by someone or something
E. A sentence in which the subject is doing the action
F. The adjective after a linking verb that describes the subject
G. Words that modify or limit verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs
H. An adjective that modifies a noun or pronoun and shows possession

1. Possessive adjective: H. An adjective that modifies a noun or pronoun and shows possession

2. Active voice: E. A sentence in which the subject is doing the action
3. Adverbs: G. Words that modify or limit verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs
4. Parallel verbs: C. The consistent use of the same verb form or tense in a single sentence
5. Subjunctive mood: B. A verb form that indicates a wish, a suggestion, or an uncertain action
6. Predicate adjective: F. The adjective after a linking verb that describes the subject
7. Indicative mood: A. A verb form used to state a fact or ask a question
8. Passive voice: D. A sentence in which the subject is acted upon by someone or something