Rewrite this sentence in a simpler way with different words

The Catholic Church played a crucial role in attempting to unify Europe during the Middle Ages through various means. One way was through the establishment of a common religious framework and ideology. The Church provided a shared belief system and moral code, thereby fostering a sense of unity and identity among Catholic Europeans. Additionally, the Church worked to establish a hierarchical structure and centralized authority. Through the Pope, the Catholic Church was able to exert significant influence over secular rulers, unifying them under the authority of the Church and encouraging cooperation and collaboration among European leaders.

During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church was very important in trying to unite Europe. They did this in a few different ways. One way was by creating a common religious system and belief system. This helped bring Catholic Europeans together and made them feel like they were part of a larger group. The Church also worked to create an organized structure with one leader, the Pope. This gave the Church a lot of power and allowed them to control secular rulers as well. Overall, the Catholic Church played a big role in bringing European leaders together and making Europe more unified.