Identify the option that is less expensive, based on the unit rate: option a: 2.7 kg of jam for $5.20 option b: 1.4 kg of jam for 4.80

To find out which option is less expensive based on the unit rate, we can compare the cost per kilogram (kg) of jam for each option.

For option a:
Cost = $5.20
Weight = 2.7 kg
Cost per kilogram = $5.20 ÷ 2.7 = $1.9259 (rounded to four decimal places)

For option b:
Cost = $4.80
Weight = 1.4 kg
Cost per kilogram = $4.80 ÷ 1.4 = $3.4286 (rounded to four decimal places)

Comparing the cost per kilogram, option a has a lower cost per kilogram of $1.9259, while option b has a higher cost per kilogram of $3.4286. Therefore, option a is less expensive.