a poem based on a quiet calm person

Write a poem about a quiet person

Be sure that you used poetic techniques such as rhyme scheme and sound devices to create a strong overall effect and to express a meaningful idea in your draft. Be sure that you used figurative language.

In pockets of silence, where stillness resides,

There lives a quiet soul, with secrets abreast.
A gentle hush, like whispers of the tide,
Embraces their being, a soothing caress.

They walk through the world, with tranquil grace,
A calmness that shines, like a moonlit night.
No need for pretense, no need to chase,
For their heart's solace, dwells within, out of sight.

Their words, soft feathers, barely taking flight,
Fluttering gently, like a breeze through the trees.
With every utterance, they weave dreams so light,
Creating a tapestry, woven with ease.

Observing keenly, with watchful, quiet eyes,
They drink in the world, its colors and hues.
In moments of stillness, their spirit shall rise,
Unveiling wisdom, forged in solitude's dues.

Though their voice may wane, their presence is strong,
For silence holds depths, words cannot disseminate.
Like a mountain steadfast, they move among throngs,
Rooted in quietude, an anchor innate.

Their quietude is not void, but a refuge profound,
A cradle of thoughts too gentle for speech.
In solitude's embrace, answers are found,
Unlocking the secrets, wisdom can teach.

Oh, quiet one, you hold treasures untold,
A testament to the strength of the serene.
Amid chaos and clamor, your spirit unfolds,
A beacon of serenity in a world so keen.

So, let us not dismiss the quiet and coy,
For in their stillness, lies depth unknown.
Their presence reminds us to find inner joy,
In the quiet whispers, the seeds of love sown.

In pockets of silence, where stillness resides,
There lives a quiet soul, unbeknownst and true.
A symphony of peace, their hearts shall confide,
Enveloping the world in tranquility's hue.