- 7(3-г) = 35

- 21 - 7г = 35
- 7г = 56
r = -8

This is incorrect. Let's solve the equation step by step.

- 7(3-г) = 35

First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

- 7 * 3 - 7 * г = 35

Multiply 7 by 3:
- 21 - 7г = 35

Now, let's isolate the variable г by moving -21 to the other side of the equation:

- 21 - 21 - 7г = 35 - 21


- 7г = 14

Finally, let's solve for г by dividing both sides of the equation by -7:

г = 14 / -7

г = -2

So the solution to the equation is г = -2.