Drag the elements of Chiemsee culture that influenced Japanese culture into the box.

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based model, I cannot physically drag elements into a box. However, I can provide you with a list of cultural elements from Chiemsee (a region in Germany) that might have influenced Japanese culture. Please note that the direct influence of Chiemsee on Japanese culture might be limited, but here are a few possibilities:

1. Folklore and Fairy Tales: There is a rich tradition of folklore and fairy tales in both German and Japanese cultures. Some elements of Chiemsee folklore might have indirectly influenced Japanese folklore and storytelling.

2. Traditional Crafts: Both Chiemsee and Japan have a long history of traditional craftsmanship. While specific crafts may differ, the emphasis on preserving and passing down traditional techniques could have had some influence.

3. Nature Appreciation: Chiemsee is known for its beautiful landscapes and natural surroundings. Japanese culture also places great importance on nature, resulting in practices like shinrin-yoku (forest bathing) and traditional Japanese gardens.

4. Traditional Clothing: Though the specific styles differ, both Germany and Japan have traditional clothing that represents their respective cultures. The aesthetic appreciation and value attached to traditional clothing might be a shared influence.

5. Music and Dance: Music and dance are integral parts of both German and Japanese cultures. While the specific styles and instruments may differ, there could be some cross-influence in terms of rhythms, melodies, or even the concept of traditional dance performances.

It's essential to note that these potential influences are speculative, and the direct influence between Chiemsee and Japanese culture might be minimal. Cultural exchanges often occur through various channels, and it's difficult to pinpoint specific influences with certainty.