7 2/9 + 10 2/3

To add these two mixed numbers, first convert them to improper fractions.

7 2/9 = (7 * 9 + 2)/9 = 65/9
10 2/3 = (10 * 3 + 2)/3 = 32/3

Next, find a common denominator for the fractions, which is 9:

65/9 + 32/3 = (65/9) * (3/3) + (32/3) * (9/9)
= 195/27 + 288/27
= (195 + 288)/27
= 483/27

Finally, simplify the resulting fraction if possible:

483/27 can be divided by 3:
(483/3)/(27/3) = 161/9

The sum of 7 2/9 and 10 2/3 is 161/9 or 17 8/9 as a mixed number.