After reading both text, “Cool Jobs: Reaching Out to E.T. is a Numbers Games” and “They’re Made Out of Meat,” how do both text portray humans’ exploration of the universe?

Both texts portray humans' exploration of the universe as a curious endeavor that is driven by a sense of wonder and the desire for knowledge. In the text "Cool Jobs: Reaching Out to E.T. is a Numbers Games," the focus is on the efforts scientists make to search for extraterrestrial intelligence through the use of radio telescopes and advanced technology. The text highlights the meticulous and systematic approach taken by scientists to gather data from outer space, emphasizing the importance of statistics and probability in identifying possible signs of intelligent life.

On the other hand, in the text "They're Made Out of Meat," the portrayal of human exploration of the universe is more lighthearted and humorous. It presents a dialogue between two extraterrestrial beings who are bewildered by the idea of humans exploring the universe. The aliens find it hard to comprehend that humans are made of organic matter and are capable of space travel. The text points out the limitations and unique characteristics of human beings as they venture into the vastness of the cosmos.

Overall, both texts depict the human exploration of the universe as a fascinating and ongoing quest driven by curiosity, scientific inquiry, and the search for potential extraterrestrial life.