What a good political cartoon for a thirteen year old to draw

A good political cartoon for a thirteen-year-old to draw could be about the importance of unity and solidarity among people, regardless of their differences. You could draw different animals, symbolizing various groups or communities, coming together to build a strong bridge or forming a circle representing unity. This can convey a message of inclusivity and the power of collaboration in building a better future.

What animals could be used in the circle and what words can be on the cartoon

In the circle of unity, you can use animals that represent different communities or groups, emphasizing diversity and harmony. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Lion: Symbolizing strength and leadership.
2. Elephant: Representing wisdom and stability.
3. Rabbit: Signifying agility and quick thinking.
4. Turtle: Depicting patience and longevity.
5. Owl: Representing knowledge and wisdom.
6. Penguin: Symbolizing teamwork and adaptability.
7. Giraffe: Signifying perspective and innovation.
8. Dolphin: Representing harmony and intelligence.

As for the words on the cartoon, you can have a caption such as:
- "United we thrive, divided we fall."
- "Strength in diversity."
- "Building bridges for a better future."
- "Together, we can achieve anything."

Remember, these are just suggestions. Feel free to come up with your own ideas that resonate with your message of unity and togetherness.