Why is the print statement considered a function? (1 point) Responses because it has to be defined by the user because it has to be defined by the user because it functions to make the printer work because it functions to make the printer work because it is a reusable piece of code that accomplishes a task because it is a reusable piece of code that accomplishes a task because it functions to engage the hardware

The correct response is: because it is a reusable piece of code that accomplishes a task.

The print statement in programming is a built-in function that allows output to be displayed on the screen or other output devices, such as a printer. It is a predefined instruction that can be used without the need for the user to define it. Additionally, it is considered a function because it is a self-contained block of code that performs a specific task, in this case, displaying information. The term "function" in programming refers to a discrete operation or set of instructions that can be repeatedly used to perform a specific task.