Why would Viola Davis rather have a great narrative?

Viola Davis, as an actor, might prefer a great narrative for several reasons:

1. Artistic Satisfaction: A great narrative provides an opportunity for actors to delve into complex and well-developed characters, which can be more creatively fulfilling. It allows them to showcase their acting skills and further their artistic growth.

2. Emotional Depth: A well-crafted narrative often explores a wide range of emotions and experiences. For actors like Viola Davis, who excel at delving into the depths of human emotions, a great narrative provides a platform to showcase their ability to convey complex emotions convincingly.

3. Character Development: A strong narrative typically presents characters with arcs and growth opportunities, allowing actors to portray multifaceted individuals who undergo significant transformation. This kind of character development can provide a greater challenge and a more rewarding acting experience.

4. Storytelling Impact: Great narratives often explore significant social, political, or cultural themes, allowing actors to be part of stories that have a profound impact and resonate with audiences. This can be particularly important for actors like Viola Davis, who are passionate about using their platform to shed light on important societal issues.

5. Recognition and Awards: A compelling narrative has a better chance of being critically acclaimed and recognized through awards. As an artist, receiving accolades and recognition for their work can be fulfilling and provide validation for their talents and efforts.

Overall, a great narrative offers actors the opportunity to engage in deep, challenging, and impactful storytelling, allowing them to further their artistic goals and leave a lasting mark on the audience.