Simplify 514a+−25c+18b−25c+38b+714a.(1 point)

To simplify this expression, we need to combine like terms.

The like terms are:
514a and 714a (because they both have the variable "a")
-25c and -25c (because they both have the variable "c")
18b and 38b (because they both have the variable "b")

Combining like terms, we get:
514a + 714a = 1228a
-25c + (-25c) = -50c
18b + 38b = 56b

Therefore, the simplified expression is:
1228a - 50c + 56b

are you sure

Apologies, I made an error in my previous response.

Let's simplify the expression again:
514a + (-25c) + 18b + (-25c) + 38b + 714a

Combining like terms, we combine the coefficients of each variable:
(514a + 714a) + (-25c - 25c) + (18b + 38b)

This simplifies to:
1228a - 50c + 56b

So, the correct simplified expression is:
1228a - 50c + 56b