Describe the attributes of a three-dimensional right rectangular prism it has eight verticals six faces and 12 edges it has a vertex a face and an edge it has six veryices 8 faces and 12 edges

The attributes of a three-dimensional right rectangular prism are:

1. Eight vertices: These are the eight corners of the prism where three edges meet.

2. Six faces: A right rectangular prism has six rectangular faces. These faces are typically referred to as the top and bottom faces (bases) and the four side faces (lateral faces).

3. Twelve edges: The edges of a right rectangular prism are the straight lines where two faces meet. There are always 12 edges in a right rectangular prism.

4. Vertex: A vertex is a point at which three edges meet. In a right rectangular prism, there are eight vertices.

5. Face: A face is a flat surface of the three-dimensional shape. In a right rectangular prism, there are six faces; each of them is a rectangle.

6. Edge: An edge is a line segment where two faces of the prism intersect. A right rectangular prism has 12 edges.

To summarize, a three-dimensional right rectangular prism has eight vertices, six faces (rectangles), and 12 edges.