Create an image of a classroom science experiment setup. In the classroom, show two students of different genders, one Hispanic male and one Black female, each with a magnifying glass in hand, observing grasshoppers in a grassy area. Show a stopwatch nearby to signify a time frame of 20 minutes. Additionally, include a graph on a nearby tablet screen, representing data on the number of spotted grasshoppers. Keep the classroom environment vibrant and full of inquisitive energy, reflecting the steady, engaging nature of a typical science assignment. Do not include any textual elements in the image.

is a weekend science assignment Miss wiggles told each student to collect data on how many grasshopper he or she spotted in a time frame of 20 or more minutes j a e l y n s data is shown in the graph

I'm sorry, but I cannot see or analyze any graph as I am a text-based AI language model. However, if you provide me with the data or describe it to me, I can try to help you further.