If Jesse can walk 16 miles in 3 hours, how long will it take him to walk 26 miles? (Use the Lesson 3 notes for help)(1 point)


About 5 hours
About 5 hours

About 5.4 hours
About 5.4 hours

About 4.9 hours
About 4.9 hours

About 5.8 hours

To find out how long it will take Jesse to walk 26 miles, we can set up a proportion using the given information: 16 miles / 3 hours = 26 miles / x hours.

Cross multiplying, we get: 16x = 3 * 26.

Simplifying, we have: 16x = 78.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 16, we get: x = 78 / 16.

Calculating, we find that it will take Jesse about 4.9 hours to walk 26 miles.

Therefore, the correct answer is About 4.9 hours.