"Claim: School uniforms help create equality in schools."

In three to five sentences, explain two reasons to support this claim. Be sure to organize your reasons in a logical order.

(4 points)

One reason to support the claim that school uniforms help create equality in schools is that they eliminate visible signs of socioeconomic status among students. When all students are dressed in the same uniform, it becomes difficult to determine who comes from a wealthier or poorer background based on their clothing. This helps to create a more level playing field where students are not judged or treated differently based on their families' financial situations.

Another reason is that uniforms promote a sense of unity and belonging among students. When everyone is dressed in the same way, it helps foster a sense of camaraderie and reduces social divisions based on clothing choices. Students can focus on their studies and building relationships with peers, rather than worrying about fitting in or being judged based on their outfits. This contributes to a more inclusive and equal environment within the school.