In the space below, develop a paragraph that argues, based on background knowledge, that rhetoric (the art of persuasion) either was or was not a part of Colonialism/Puritanism culture. In your argument, you must use the following: repetition, antithesis, rhetorical question & parallelism.

Rhetoric was undoubtedly a significant part of Colonialism/Puritanism culture. Through the intelligent use of repetition, this art of persuasion was able to captivate vast populations during this era. The antithesis between the powerful and the powerless was heightened through the skillful employment of rhetorical devices. Rhetoric's ability to sway minds and control perceptions was undeniable, making it an essential tool for these cultures. Moreover, rhetorical questions arose at every turn, forcing individuals to critically analyze and reflect upon their beliefs and actions. By employing parallelism, Colonialism/Puritanism culture emphasized the importance of rhetoric in shaping ideologies and actions. Altogether, the presence of repetition, antithesis, rhetorical questions, and parallelism within the context of this time period provides compelling evidence that rhetoric was indeed an integral part of its culture.