Make me a thinking map of the achievements of the Islamic empire 7th grader

Sure! Here is a thinking map showcasing some achievements of the Islamic Empire:

I. Islamic Art and Architecture
- Intricate geometric patterns in mosques
- Development of calligraphy
- Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
- Alhambra Palace in Andalusia

II. Advancements in Science and Medicine
- Preservation and translation of Greek and Roman texts
- Study of astronomy by scholars like Al-Kindi and Al-Farabi
- Creation of algebra by Al-Khwarizmi
- Advancements in surgery and pharmacology

III. Agricultural Innovations
- Introduction of new crops like citrus fruits, rice, and cotton
- Development of irrigation systems
- Establishment of botanical gardens for cultivation

IV. Trade and Commerce
- Creation of a vast network of trade routes, including the Silk Road
- Development of efficient banking systems and coins
- Expansion of textiles, ceramics, and metalwork industries

V. Intellectual and Cultural Contributions
- Flourishing of literature, poetry, and philosophy
- Development of Arabic as a language of learning
- Contributions to mathematics, optics, and geography
- Establishment of famous libraries like House of Wisdom in Baghdad

VI. Spread of Knowledge
- Islamic scholars translating ancient Greek and Roman works into Arabic
- Preservation of knowledge during the European Dark Ages
- Islamic universities and centers of learning

VII. Technological Advances
- Invention of the astrolabe for celestial navigation
- Improvements in shipbuilding and navigation techniques
- Introduction of advanced agricultural tools

Note: This thinking map is not exhaustive and only highlights some of the significant achievements of the Islamic Empire.