5. Is Determination the Key to Success? Many people believe that determination is the key to success. The secret is simply never to give up. Is determination more important than talent, skill, support, or even good luck? In an argumentative essay, craft and defend a claim about whether or not determination is the key to success. Use examples and evidence to support your argument.

answer in 7th grade manner

Determination is indeed the key to success. Many successful individuals have shown that with determination, they can achieve their goals, even if they are not inherently talented or lucky. Talent, skill, and support are helpful, but without determination, they may not lead to success.

Firstly, determination helps people overcome obstacles and challenges. Take the example of Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb. He faced countless failures and setbacks during his journey to create a working light bulb. However, his unwavering determination drove him to keep trying until he finally succeeded. If Edison had given up at any point, we might not enjoy the convenience of light bulbs today. His determination was the driving force behind his success.

Furthermore, determination allows individuals to work hard and improve their skills. Let's say there are two students, Amy and Jake. Amy is naturally talented in mathematics, while Jake struggles with the subject. However, Jake knows he needs to do well in math for his dream career. He puts in extra effort, studies diligently, and seeks help from his teachers. Through sheer determination, Jake gradually improves and surpasses Amy's initial talent. His determination, not talent alone, leads to his success in mathematics.

Support and good luck can certainly play a role in success, but determination is what makes the most difference. Consider the story of Serena Williams, a famous tennis player. She had a strong support system, with her father as her coach and her family cheering her on. However, she also faced numerous setbacks, injuries, and losses throughout her career. It was her determination to become the best that motivated her to keep going, even during tough times. Serena's determination led her to multiple Grand Slam victories, not just her support or good luck.

To conclude, determination is undeniably the key to success. It enables individuals to overcome challenges, improve their skills, and persist in achieving their goals. Talent, skill, support, or good luck alone are not enough without determination. So, no matter what obstacles come our way, we should remember that determination is what will ultimately lead us to success.