If dudley read 236,532 words the first minute and 218,341 words the second, how many words did he read in the third minute if his average reading speed was 215,325 words per minute?

To find the number of words Dudley read in the third minute, we need to calculate the total number of words he read in the first two minutes.

The total number of words he read in the first two minutes is 236,532 + 218,341 = <<236532+218341=454873>>454,873 words.
His average reading speed is 215,325 words per minute, so Dudley read 454,873 / 215,325 = <<454873/215325=2.115>>2.115 minutes.
Since he read 236,532 words in the first minute and 218,341 words in the second minute, in the third minute, he read 215,325 * (2.115 - 2) = 215,325 * 0.115 = <<215325*0.115=24765.375>>24765.375 words.
Since the number of words cannot be in decimal, Dudley read 24765 words in the third minute. Answer: \boxed{24765}.