In one full day 108 gallons of water seep into a pond at this same rate how many gallons will steep into the pond in 60 hours

To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion with the given information.

We know that in one full day, 24 hours, 108 gallons of water seep into the pond.

Let x be the number of gallons that will seep into the pond in 60 hours.

Therefore, we can set up a proportion:
24 hours / 108 gallons = 60 hours / x

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:
24 * x = 108 * 60

Which simplifies to:
24x = 6480

To isolate x, we divide both sides by 24:
x = 6480 / 24

Simplifying this gives us:
x = 270

Therefore, 270 gallons will seep into the pond in 60 hours.