5.) How are worms different from Trojan horses?(1 point) Responses Worms enter a device via an email attachment. Worms enter a device via an email attachment. Worms can spread on their own. Worms can spread on their own. Worms hide from the user. Worms hide from the user. Worms delete files.

Trojan horses, on the other hand, do not enter a device via an email attachment. They typically disguise themselves as legitimate software or files and trick the user into downloading or installing them. Additionally, Trojan horses do not spread on their own like worms do. They rely on the user's actions to propagate and spread. Unlike worms, Trojan horses do not hide from the user. Instead, they often attempt to deceive or trick the user into thinking they are harmless or beneficial. Finally, worms and Trojan horses can both potentially delete files, but this is not a characteristic that specifically sets them apart.