Below is a table that lists the different masses of planets and Steve’s mass.If Steve were standing on each planet, which is the correct order of the planets from the one that has the highest force of gravity to lowest force of gravity?(1 point)ResponsesVenus, Earth, MarsVenus, Earth, MarsMars, Venus, EarthMars, Venus, EarthEarth, Mars, VenusEarth, Mars, VenusEarth, Venus, Mars

The correct order of the planets from the one that has the highest force of gravity to the lowest force of gravity is:

Mars, Venus, Earth


Apologies for the confusion. To determine the correct order of the planets from highest to lowest force of gravity, you would need to know the masses of each planet and compare them to Steve's mass. However, the table you provided only lists the different masses of planets without stating Steve's mass. Without knowing Steve's mass, it is not possible to determine the correct order of the planets based on gravity.