kim made three quiches for a party: cheese, spinach, and mushroom. the cheese quiche was cut into 8 equal pieces, the spinach quiche was cut into 16 equal pieces, and the mushroom quiche was cut into 4 equal pieces. At the party, people ate 5 pieces of cheese, 9 pieces of spinach, and 2 pieces of mushroom. Which quiche did people eat the most of? identify the fraction in numerical order from greatest to least

To determine which quiche people ate the most of, we need to compare the number of pieces eaten for each type of quiche.

The cheese quiche was cut into 8 equal pieces, and people ate 5 pieces. So the fraction of the cheese quiche eaten is 5/8.

The spinach quiche was cut into 16 equal pieces, and people ate 9 pieces. So the fraction of the spinach quiche eaten is 9/16.

The mushroom quiche was cut into 4 equal pieces, and people ate 2 pieces. So the fraction of the mushroom quiche eaten is 2/4, which can be simplified to 1/2.

To compare the fractions in numerical order from greatest to least, we have:
9/16 > 5/8 > 1/2.

Therefore, people ate the most spinach quiche, then the cheese quiche, and the least amount of mushroom quiche.