Kim made three quiches for a party: cheese, spinach, and mushroom. The cheese quiche was cut into 8 equal pieces, the spinach was cut into 16 equal pieces, and the mushroom quiche was cut into 4 equal pieces. At the party, people ate 5 pieces of the cheese, 9 pieces of the spinach, and 2 pieces of the mushroom. Which quiche did people eat the most of? Identify the fractions in numerical order from greatest to least.(1 point)


16, 8, 4: The cheese quiche was eaten the most.
16, 8, 4: The cheese quiche was eaten the most.

, 916
, 24
: The cheese quiche was eaten the most.
5 eighths, 9 over 16, 2 fourths: The cheese quiche was eaten the most.

, 58
, 24
: The spinach quiche was eaten the most.
9 over 16, 5 eighths, 2 fourths: The spinach quiche was eaten the most.

, 816
, 916
: The cheese quiche was eaten the most.

The correct answer is:

5 eighths, 9 over 16, 2 fourths: The cheese quiche was eaten the most.