Talia tutors and wants to save money. Talia currently has $60 and plans to save an additional $35 per month. how much months would it take talia to save atleast 200

Talia currently has $60 and plans to save an additional $35 per month. Let's calculate how much money Talia will have saved after a certain number of months.

After 1 month, Talia will have saved $35 + $60 = $<<35+60=95>>95.
After 2 months, Talia will have saved another $35, bringing her total savings to $95 + $35 = $<<95+35=130>>130.
After 3 months, Talia will have saved an additional $35, bringing her total savings to $130 + $35 = $<<130+35=165>>165.
And so on.

To calculate how many months it will take for Talia to save at least $200, we can use the formula:

Total Savings = $60 + (number of months x $35)

Setting this equal to $200, we can solve for the number of months:

$200 = $60 + (number of months x $35)

$140 = (number of months x $35)

number of months = $140 / $35

number of months = 4

So, it will take Talia 4 months to save at least $200.