How did the social order of people in the Han dynasty reflect Confucian values? (4 points) Write in 3 sentences

1) The social order of the Han dynasty aligned with Confucian values by placing great emphasis on the hierarchical relationships between individuals. Confucianism stressed the importance of filial piety and respect for authority, which were reflected in the strict social hierarchy of the Han dynasty.

2) Confucian values also influenced the division of labor and social roles within the Han society. The Confucian concept of the "five relationships" guided the expectations and interactions between different social classes, promoting harmony and stability in the social order.
3) Furthermore, the Confucian emphasis on education and the pursuit of knowledge shaped the social order in the Han dynasty. Scholar-officials played a vital role in government administration, and the imperial examination system, rooted in Confucian teachings, helped select qualified individuals for positions of power.