What are the similarities and differences bAetween the Sumer and Egypt River Valley Civilizations? (4 points) Write in 3 sentences

One similarity between the Sumer and Egypt River Valley civilizations is that they both flourished along rivers. Sumer was located in southern Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, while Egypt was situated along the Nile River. This proximity to rivers allowed both civilizations to develop agriculture and cultivate fertile land.

Another similarity is that both civilizations were polytheistic and believed in many gods. They constructed elaborate temples and religious structures to worship their deities. Additionally, the societies in both civilizations were structured hierarchically, with a ruling class of kings and pharaohs, followed by nobles, priests, and common people.

However, there were also notable differences between the Sumer and Egypt River Valley civilizations. Sumerian society was more decentralized, with several independent city-states, each having its own ruler and government. In contrast, Egypt was more centralized, with a strong and unified central government under the rule of the pharaoh.

Furthermore, the writing systems of these civilizations were distinct. Sumerians used cuneiform, which was a system of wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets, while the ancient Egyptians developed hieroglyphics, a script made up of pictorial symbols. These writing systems played a crucial role in the preservation and advancement of knowledge in their respective civilizations.