I was wondering if someone had to do a supply and demand curve for the subprime mortgages would they just show how the supply of houses increased causing the demand and prices to drop?

I am having difficulty. You ask about supply and demand for subprime mortgages, then shift to supply of houses. Surely you are not equating supply of subprime mortgages with supply or demand for houses.

I am confused I felt that is the only way I could relate a graph to subprime mortagages. How would I describe a supply and demand curve for this?

My point above was that the greater number of subprime loans were not for new construction, but for refinanced homes.

Now, your delimina. P should be the net cost (in percent over prime) of the loan over time, not the initial rate. Using that, you have a normal D and S curve. D decreases with Q, and S increases.

To analyze the relationship between supply and demand for subprime mortgages, we need to understand and consider a few factors. The supply and demand curve is a graphical representation of the quantities of a particular product or service that will be demanded and supplied at various price levels.

In the case of subprime mortgages, the supply curve represents the quantity of subprime mortgages lenders are willing and able to provide at different interest rates. The demand curve reflects the quantity of subprime mortgages borrowers are ready and able to purchase at varying interest rates.

To show how the supply of houses affects the demand and prices of subprime mortgages, we need to focus on the factors that impact the supply and demand for houses. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to analyze this relationship:

1. Identify the factors affecting the supply of houses:
- Construction activity and rate of new houses being built
- Availability of financing options for builders and developers
- Costs of construction materials and labor
- Housing market conditions and investor confidence

2. Determine how changes in these factors affect the supply of houses:
- An increase in construction activity and the rate of new houses being built will lead to an increase in the supply of houses available.
- If financing options become more accessible to builders and developers, it may lead to an increase in the supply of houses.
- Higher costs of construction materials and labor can limit the supply of houses as it increases the overall production cost.
- Housing market conditions and investor confidence play a crucial role in the supply of houses. Unfavorable market conditions or low investor confidence can reduce the supply.

3. Identify the factors influencing the demand for subprime mortgages:
- Interest rates on subprime mortgages
- Borrowers' creditworthiness and ability to qualify for subprime mortgages
- Economic conditions, such as employment levels and income growth

4. Determine how changes in these factors affect the demand for subprime mortgages:
- Lower interest rates on subprime mortgages can increase the demand as it reduces the cost of borrowing.
- Borrowers with a higher credit risk profile or those unable to qualify for traditional mortgages may turn to subprime mortgages, increasing demand.
- Favorable economic conditions, such as low unemployment rates and income growth, can increase demand by enabling more people to afford homeownership.

5. Analyze the relationship between supply and demand:
- When the supply of houses surpasses the demand for subprime mortgages, it can lead to a decline in prices and less favorable loan terms.
- Conversely, if demand exceeds supply, prices can rise, and borrowers may face more competitive terms due to limited availability.

By understanding the factors driving the supply and demand for houses and subprime mortgages, you can create a supply and demand curve to illustrate how changes in supply impact demand and prices.