Start four mods of entry

1. Education and Training: This mod aims to increase access to quality education and training opportunities for individuals, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. It includes initiatives such as scholarship programs, vocational training courses, and skills development workshops. By equipping people with the necessary knowledge and skills, this mod seeks to enhance their employability and improve socio-economic outcomes.

2. Health and Wellness: This mod focuses on promoting physical and mental well-being among individuals and communities. It includes initiatives such as health education campaigns, regular medical check-ups, and mental health support services. By addressing healthcare needs and promoting healthy living, this mod aims to improve overall quality of life and reduce healthcare disparities.

3. Economic Empowerment: This mod aims to alleviate poverty and promote economic stability. It includes initiatives such as microfinance programs, small business development support, and job creation projects. By providing individuals with opportunities to generate income and gain financial independence, this mod seeks to reduce the wealth gap and enhance economic sustainability.

4. Environmental Sustainability: This mod focuses on preserving the environment and promoting sustainable practices. It includes initiatives such as tree planting campaigns, waste management projects, and renewable energy adoption. By raising awareness and encouraging environmentally friendly behaviors, this mod aims to protect natural resources, combat climate change, and create a sustainable future for generations to come.