Chimpanzees reproduce sexually, and sponges reproduce asexually. What disadvantage do chimpanzees have compared to sponges?

Chimpanzees’ offspring have differences in their DNA.
Chimpanzees require less energy to make offspring.
Chimpanzees reproduce more slowly.
Chimpanzees’ offspring have to fight harder for resources.

The disadvantage that chimpanzees have compared to sponges is that chimpanzees' offspring have to fight harder for resources. This is because chimpanzees reproduce sexually, resulting in genetic variation among their offspring. As a result, there is competition among chimpanzees for resources like food, shelter, and mates, which can lead to more intense competition and struggle for survival compared to sponges that reproduce asexually and produce genetically identical offspring.

Which statements describe differences between metaphase I and metaphase II? Select two options.

Chromosomes line up in the middle in metaphase I only.
Chromosomes condense in metaphase I only.
A cell has half the number of chromosomes in metaphase II.
There are twice the number of cells in metaphase II.
Spindle fibers exist in metaphase II only.

The correct options are:

1. Chromosomes line up in the middle in metaphase I only.
2. A cell has half the number of chromosomes in metaphase II.

A female blue jay is generating an egg cell for reproduction. Through which process does the egg cell form?


The process through which an egg cell forms in a female blue jay is called meiosis. Meiosis is a specialized form of cell division that occurs in the reproductive cells, or gametes, of organisms. It involves two rounds of division, resulting in the production of four haploid cells, such as egg cells, each containing half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

People living in some countries have a difficult time obtaining foods that are high in vitamin A.

Which advantage of genetic technologies would these people most benefit from?

higher tolerance of crops to temperature changes
decreased crop resistance to disease
lowered cost of food production
increased nutritional value of crops

The advantage of genetic technologies that people living in countries with a difficult time obtaining foods high in vitamin A would most benefit from is increased nutritional value of crops. By using genetic technologies such as genetic modification or breeding techniques, scientists can enhance the nutritional content of crops, including increasing the levels of vitamin A. This can help address nutritional deficiencies in populations that struggle to access vitamin A-rich foods, improving their overall health and well-being.

Which procedure is an attempt to correct a genetic disorder by replacing a mutated gene with a normal allele?

selective breeding
artificial selection
gene therapy

The procedure that is an attempt to correct a genetic disorder by replacing a mutated gene with a normal allele is called gene therapy. Gene therapy involves modifying or replacing genes within an individual's cells to treat or prevent a genetic disorder. This can be achieved by delivering the normal allele, often using viral vectors, to the targeted cells in the patient's body. The goal is to restore the normal function of the gene and alleviate the symptoms or cure the genetic disorder.