Tim drives at an average speed of 80km per hour for 3hours 45 minutes work out how many km Tim drives

To find the distance Tim drives, we need to multiply his average speed by the time he drives.

First, we need to convert 3 hours and 45 minutes into decimal format. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, 45 minutes is equal to 45/60 = 0.75 hours.

So the total time Tim drives is 3 hours + 0.75 hours = <<3+0.75=3.75>>3.75 hours.

Now we can calculate the distance Tim drives by multiplying his average speed of 80km per hour by the time of 3.75 hours.

Distance = Average speed * Time
Distance = 80km/hour * 3.75 hours
Distance = 300 km

Therefore, Tim drives 300 km.