Marri bought ½ pound licorice, ⅓ pound of candy worms, and 3/5 pound of jawbreakers. How many more pounds of jawbreakers than licorice did she buy?

0 points
9/10 pound
1/10 pound
⅖ pound
¾ pound

To find the difference in pounds between the jawbreakers and licorice, we need to subtract the weight of the licorice from the weight of the jawbreakers.

Marri bought 3/5 pound of jawbreakers and 1/2 pound of licorice.

So the difference is 3/5 - 1/2.

To subtract these fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The lowest common denominator between 5 and 2 is 10.

So, we can rewrite the fractions with a common denominator: 3/5 = 6/10 and 1/2 = 5/10.

Now we can subtract: 6/10 - 5/10 = 1/10.

Therefore, Marri bought 1/10 pound more of jawbreakers than licorice.

The answer is 1/10 pound.