In Zhou society, what position did most people have? What positions did a few people have? Did slavery exist? If so, how?

In Zhou society, most people held positions as farmers or agricultural workers. The majority of the population lived in rural areas and engaged in agricultural activities, cultivating crops and raising livestock.

Some individuals held higher positions in society, such as nobles, officials, and warriors. These elites belonged to the ruling class and enjoyed privileges and power. They often held important government positions or served as military commanders.

Regarding the existence of slavery, it did indeed exist in Zhou society. Slavery was prevalent during this time, and slaves were commonly acquired through war, as captives taken from defeated territories. Slaves were considered property and were typically assigned to perform tasks such as labor, household chores, and sometimes even served as concubines or entertainers for the elite class.

However, it is important to note that the precise details of slavery in Zhou society are not extensively documented, and there might be variations and regional differences depending on the specific time period and geographical location within the Zhou dynasty.