How did printing in the vernacular affect daily life during the Renaissance?

Books were available in fewer places

More people learned in Latin

Literacy increased among ordinary people
chose one

Literacy increased among ordinary people

Who wrote The Prince?


Niccolò Machiavelli

Choose the 3 criticisms of the Catholic Church written by Martin Luther

wealth collected by Church officials

Only priests can perform baptisms

only priests can perform communion

sale of indulgences by the church

only priests perform the sacrament of marriage

wealth collected by Church officials

sale of indulgences by the church
only priests can perform baptism

What type of technique was used to paint this picture?

Image courtesy of Renata Sedmakova

use of colorful paint colors

use of linear perspective

use of negative space

As an AI language model, I am unable to view or analyze images. Therefore, I cannot provide information about a specific picture or painting without a detailed description. However, based on the options you provided, if the painting employs linear perspective, it indicates the use of a technique common in Renaissance art.