The price of a technology stock has dropped to $9.74 today. Yesterday's price was $9.87. Find the percentage decrease. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.

The percentage decrease can be calculated using the formula:

Percentage decrease = ((previous price - current price) / previous price) * 100%

Plugging in the given values:

Percentage decrease = ((9.87 - 9.74) / 9.87) * 100%
= (0.13 / 9.87) * 100%
= 0.0132 * 100%
= 1.32%

Rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent, the percentage decrease is approximately 1.3%.

A laptop has a listed price of $571.95 before tax. If the sales tax rate is 7.75%, find the total cost of the laptop with sales tax included.

Round your answer to the nearest cent, as necessary.

To find the total cost of the laptop with sales tax included, we need to calculate the amount of sales tax and then add it to the listed price.

Sales tax = (sales tax rate / 100) * listed price
= (7.75 / 100) * 571.95
= 0.0775 * 571.95
= 44.37 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Total cost = listed price + sales tax
= 571.95 + 44.37
= 616.32

Therefore, the total cost of the laptop with sales tax included is $616.32.