How to write an address in French

When writing an address in French, follow the format below:

1. Start with the recipient's name. Write the complete name of the person or organization you are sending the letter to. For example:
- Monsieur Jean Dupont
- Madame Marie Martin
- Société ABC

2. Next, write the recipient's house number and street name. For example:
- 15, Rue de la Liberté
- 43, Avenue des Champs-Élysées

3. Then, write the postal code and city name. The postal code should be written before the city name, and a comma should be placed between them. For example:
- 75001 Paris
- 69007 Lyon

4. Finally, write the country name (if sending internationally) at the bottom line of the address. For example:
- France
- Canada

Remember to use proper punctuation and capitalization throughout the address.