How is cell differentiation different than mitosis?(1 point)


Cell differentiation produces cells with different gene expressions.
Cell differentiation produces cells with different gene expressions.

Cell differentiation only occurs after a wound.
Cell differentiation only occurs after a wound.

Cell differentiation does not cause proliferation.
Cell differentiation does not cause proliferation.

Cell differentiation produces cells with different DNA.

Cell differentiation produces cells with different gene expressions.

Which type of cell is shown in the figure?

(1 point)

haploid cell
haploid cell

triploid cell
triploid cell

polyploid cell
polyploid cell

diploid cell

It is not possible to determine the type of cell shown in the figure without further information or context.

Raul has scraped his knee and noticed that after a week it had almost completely healed. Raul wondered how the skin was able to repair itself while looking exactly the same as his non-injured skin. In 3-5 sentences explain how mitosis plays a role in healing skin after injury and is able to maintain the look of the existing, non-injured skin.(4 points)

During the process of healing skin after an injury, mitosis plays a crucial role. Essentially, mitosis allows for the rapid division of cells in the surrounding area to replace the damaged or dead cells. This new growth of cells helps to regenerate the damaged tissue, allowing for the wound to heal. The ability of mitosis to maintain the look of the existing, non-injured skin is due to the fact that during cell division, the DNA in each new cell is replicated and duplicated, ensuring that the genetic information is preserved. As a result, the new cells produced through mitosis are essentially identical to the non-injured neighboring cells, allowing for the seamless healing and maintenance of the skin's appearance.

In three to five sentences, explain the advantage of keeping some DNA needed by mitochondria in the cell’s nucleus and some in the mitochondria itself.(4 points)

Keeping some DNA needed by mitochondria in the cell's nucleus and some in the mitochondria itself offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows for better control and regulation of mitochondrial function by the cell. The cell's nucleus can regulate the expression of genes related to mitochondrial function, ensuring the proper functioning of these organelles. Additionally, in case of mutations or damage to the mitochondrial DNA, having a backup copy in the nucleus provides a means of maintaining mitochondrial function. Finally, separating the DNA between the nucleus and mitochondria allows for the specialization and evolution of these organelles, as they can each have their own specific functions and genetic material.

In 3–5 sentences, construct a summary of the process of gene expression, starting with DNA and ending with proteins.(4 points)

The process of gene expression starts with the DNA in the cell's nucleus. This DNA contains the instructions for building proteins. First, the DNA is transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA) by an enzyme called RNA polymerase. The mRNA then leaves the nucleus and travels to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Here, the mRNA is translated into a sequence of amino acids by the ribosomes, guided by transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules. This sequence of amino acids forms a protein, which can then carry out its specific function in the cell.