A rental company charges $50 plus $0.20/mi to rent a car. Marissa must spend under $184.60 on the rental. How many miles can Marissa drive the car?

Write and solve a linear inequality to find the number of miles that Marissa can drive the car.

Let x be the number of miles Marissa can drive the car.

The total cost of renting the car is $50 + $0.20(x) = $50 + $0.20x.
According to the problem, she must spend under $184.60, so we have the inequality $50 + $0.20x < $184.60.
Subtracting $50 from both sides of the inequality, we get $0.20x < $134.60.
Dividing both sides of the inequality by $0.20, we get x < $134.60 / $0.20.

So Marissa can drive less than 673 miles.